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David Chow Tai Wei's Web site! I have just completed my BCom (Economics & Finance) course at Curtin University of Technology, and will be pursuing a BCom (Honours) program in Finance. Wish me luck for another year!! My other tertiary qualification is a Diploma in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Singapore Polytechnic under the SP-SAF Joint Diploma Scheme. Upon graduation from the polytechnic, I served in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) as a Ground Communications Specialist at First Signal Battalion till mid-1996, and went to Perth the following January. My 2 years in Perth was less exciting but a very memorable one...it was here where great friendships were build and developed, many of whom are friends from the region, and of course, from Australia. I wish them well in their undertakings back home. Sometimes, I would still miss my hectic life back home in Singapore. My past involvements as a volunteer with the People's Association Youth Movement since 1991 had given me not only opportunities to serve the community, but I have benefited greatly from the various development programmes offered by the movement as well. Exchange programmes and educational tours brought me to various ASEAN countries, Japan, S. Korea, and the People's Republic of China. Those were the happier moments of my life... Now that I've decided to study for another year, I would not have to worry about "what's next" for another 12 months! I now look forward to a more "exciting" study life as an Honours student... (I'll tell you more!) Hope you will enjoy your "stay" here to share my happy moments and my aspirations for the future. Finally, I would like to dedicate this web site again to my girlfriend, Jacintha Tan Ai Ching for her continued support, love, and for being there for me...without which I would not have done well in every aspect of my life! She is currently pursuing an Honours degree program in Tourism Management at Monash University, Gippsland campus. Communicating with her on the phone seems to be a daily routine for me nowadays!! I wish her well in her studies... If you wish to contact me, you can Email me at [email protected]
Check out my ICQ Personal Web Communication Centre at wwp.mirabilis.com/15284641
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