1999 NUS offers masters in financial engineering
THE National University of Singapore (NUS) is offering a Master of Science in financial
engineering from July this year in order to help meet Singapore's manpower needs in the
finance industry.
The course, an interdisciplinary programme that combines the technical and conceptual
advances from computer science and mathematics with finance, will be administered by the
university's Centre for Financial Engineering (CFE).
The degree, which will take a student between 18 months and four years to obtain, will
be awarded through the NUS Graduate School of Business.
CFE's director, Associate Professor Lim Kian Guan, said yesterday that public response
to the programme has been overwhelming. More than 550 people attended a briefing the
university gave last Sunday .
Prof Lim added that with rapid development in information
technology (IT) and growth in the financial sector, skills in financial engineering could
well become a job requirement for those who want to work in a bank in the next five to 10
The NUS programme comes soon after the launch of a similar one to be offered at the
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), also from July.
Announcing its programme last month , NTU said it would be a tie-up with Carnegie
Mellon University, a top American technology-oriented university.
Yesterday , NUS also signed memoranda of understanding with three finance
industry-related companies to develop solutions and processes involving financial
engineering techniques and knowledge.
They were: DBS Asset Management, a fund manager and a wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS
Bank, Fish.Com Private Limited, a start-up company which is involved in the provision of
IT services to the finance industry, and SC Edward Consulting, which is in the consultancy
business for IT in financial systems.
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