School of Economics and Finance


















There was this story I read from a magazine few years ago which seems fictitious, but it makes a profound point in the analysis of strategies:

This is prisoners' dilemma, and so are many players' who are involved in strategic decision-makings! In the world of competition and survival, many organisations (and individuals) are confronted with decisions that must take into account more explicitly for the rival's likely responses. We can model this by a non-zero sum (and often non-cooperative) game like the prisoners' dilemma.

This essay will illustrate the dominant strategy adopted by each player in a two-person non-zero sum game, and outline the normative properties of the equilibrium and its implications for the emergence of cooperative behaviour between economic agents. The role of government as a mechanism for maintaining collective action will also be discussed. In our discussion, I will draw on the problems of arms races to analyse using the prisoners' dilemma.



2.1    Prisoners' Dilemma

      In the scope of microeconomics, the most relevant game is the prisoners' dilemma. This game provides some essential features of oligopoly market structure, and offers a good illustration of how it leads to predictions about the behaviour of decision-makers in competing for a larger share of profit amongst competitors. Similarly, in our analysis of arms races amongst nations, the players would face the same dilemma of choosing the best strategy taking into account the tactics adopted by its opponent.

      In the case of the poor conductor and "Tchaikovsky" illustrated earlier, we can draw up a set of strategies and payoffs for both "prisoners" represented by the payoff matrix overleaf:

      wpe1.jpg (28155 bytes)

      The strategies in this case are: Confess or Don't confess. The payoffs (penalties actually!) are the sentences served. How to solve this game? What strategies are "rational" if both men want to minimise the time they spend in jail? The conductor might reason this way:

      "Two things can happen: Tchaikovsky can confess or keep quiet. Suppose Tchaikovsky confesses, then I'll get 20 years if I don't confess, or 10 years if I do -- so in that case it's best to confess. On the other hand, if he doesn't confess, I'll get 2 years if I don't either, but in that case, if I confess I'll get only a year! Either way, it's best if I confess…"

      But Tchaikovsky can, and presumably will reason in the same way -- so they both confess and go to the prison for 10 years each. Yet, if they had acted "irrationally" maintaining their innocence, they could have gotten off with 2 years each. In this game, to confess is a dominant strategy and when both prisoners confess, that is the dominant strategy equilibrium and also a Nash equilibrium (at quadrant I).


2.2    Normative Properties of Dominant Strategy Equilibrium


3.1 Problems Associated with Market Failures

As illustrated in the previous section, if firms collude and form cartels to fix price and limit output, it is not social optimal. By doing so, Katz & Rosen (1994, p. 420) pointed out that the necessary condition for Pareto efficiency is violated, and thus the First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics does not hold.

The First Welfare Theorem states that "a competitive economy with a market for every commodity generates a Pareto-efficient allocation of resources without any government intervention [emphasis added]" (Katz & Rosen 1994, p. 421). But in reality, the required competitive environment does not always exist: monopolies, cartels, and to a lesser extend, oligopolies and other market structures that have a certain degree of market power can cause market failure.

The role of government to correct market failure is thus to enhance efficiency. The government could do this by breaking monopolies and outlaw formation of cartels in order to limit market power and restore a social optimal outcome.

In America, the Antitrust laws was enacted with the primary objective "to promote a competitive economy by prohibiting actions that restrain, or are likely to restrain, competition, and by restricting the forms of market structure that are allowable" (Pindyck & Rubinfeld 1989, p. 363); while in Australia, the Trade Practices Commission act against certain restrictive practices (such as collusive pricing and retail price maintenance, through the Trade Practices Act, 1974) but it does not assume that market concentration necessarily means market power and behaviour contrary to consumer interests (Samuelson et al 1992, p. 326-27).


3.2 Problems Associated with Collective Action

On the other hand, Hardin (1971) have shown using a n-person prisoners' dilemma that collective action of large number of players in contributing toward the purchase of the group collective interest would fail with each player defecting from contribution and played the dominant strategy in a "distrust" environment.

In this case, the government can play a role in ensuring all players contribute toward the objectives by imposing "sanctions" or providing private benefits to participating members in the form of "injunctive proscription, prescriptions, or fines and subsidies" (Ordeshook 1986, p. 224) as proposed by Olsen (1968).

The government's environmental protection policies that imposed fine to those found polluting the environment is one example of government's effort to maintain collective action.



Anderton (1986, p. 9) defines an arms race to be "a situation where two or more parties change the quantity or quality of their armed forces in response to perceived past, current or anticipated future increases in the quantity or quality of armed forces of the other party(ies)". This definition includes situations where each nation reacts positively to the other and in particular increases its military expenditures when the other does. According to Isard (1988), each may do so in order to:

  1. reduce insecurity (reflecting a balance of power motivation);
  2. retaliate for the insecurity caused by the other's increased military expenditures and military activities (reflecting a balance of terror motivation);
  3. counteract the ambition of the other; and/or
  4. be in a position of greater strength when negotiations on arms control are expected in the future.

In our analysis, we shall focus on the recent stand-off between the Indian and Pakistan government caused by their nuclear testing programmes.


4.1    Modelling the Nuclear Arms Race in the Indian sub-continent

India has fought three wars with Pakistan since 1947 and suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of China in a 1962 border conflict. The following year, it denied an allegation by the U.S. that it produces an atomic bomb to counter China, which was expected to become a nuclear power. It was only after Pakistan's commenced its alleged clandestine nuclear weapons program in 1972 that India took the unavoidable counter-measure of conducting its first nuclear test in Pokhran, in 1974 (Kapur & Wilson 1996; Moshaver 1991).

Before those developments, the dilemma then facing both would-be nuclear nations were whether to engage in the development of nuclear weapons or not: a classic gun verses butter issue.

We can model this vaguely in a prisoners' dilemma payoff matrix overleaf:

                            wpe4.jpg (26157 bytes)


Here, both nations identified the advantage of possessing nuclear weapons if the other does not. Both nations, being non-signatories of the nuclear Non-Proliferation or other related treaty, cannot rely on each other's assurance to stay in quadrant IV, where both "don't build bomb" and concentrate on their economic development, deemed second best option for both. Consequently, they ended up in the DSE.

The second Indian nuclear test of 5 atomic devices 24 years later on the 11 and 13 May 1998 came after the fact that Pakistan has not only acquired nuclear weapons and missile capability, but also her Prime Minister threatened their use against India (Asiaweek 1998).

Then came the dramatic announcement of Pakistan's first-ever nuclear tests on 29 May followed by another one the following day bringing a total of six devices exploded. This matches India's total since 1974.


                                                                                                                                            Indian Prime Minister

                                                                                                                                     Atal Bihari Vajpayee, 29 May 1998


The 6 nuclear devices detonated by Pakistan portrayed Pakistan's desire to match India's nuclear capabilities at least in quantity. If we assume that India wanted to lead Pakistan in terms of the number of nuclear arsenal by, say 10% as her national security policy, we can represent the dynamics of this nuclear weapons build-up in the diagram below:

                wpe5.jpg (23189 bytes)


The vertical red arrows show India's increment of its nuclear weapons to keep up her national security policy of 10% superiority over her rival; while the horizontal blue arrows show Pakistan's desire to match India's number every round. This can leads to an endless arms race.

With the latest indication by India and Pakistan to go to the negotiation table, we would expect to see some form of arms control. Again, we can model this situation below:


                        wpe6.jpg (27705 bytes)

If both nations can work together closely to abide by the arms control agreement (without attempting to cheat), we can expect to see a peaceful solution to the tension in the Indian subcontinent with both India and Pakistan refraining from escalating the nuclear arms race.

Although game theory can be (and have been) used to analyse political and military events, they have been criticised as a dehumanising and potentially dangerous oversimplification of necessarily complicating factors (Dauben 1996) which would lead to deficiency in their analysis.



 No. of words: 2496 (Contents Only)




Anderton, Charles H. (1986) 'Arms Race Modelling: Systematic Analysis and Synthesis', Ph.D. dissertion, Cornell University.

Asiaweek (1998) 'Why India's Bomb is Justified' Asiaweek Online, Accessed on 24 May 1998 at []

Axelod, Robert (1984) The Evolution of Cooperation, Basic Books, New York.

Danben, Joseph Warrant (1996) 'Game Theory', in Microsoft ® Encarta ® 97 Encyclopedia, Microsoft Corporation.

Hagenmayer, J., and Glazer, A. (1992) 'Albert W. Tucker, 89, Framed Mathematician', Philadelphia Inquirer, 2 Feb, p. B7.

Hardin, R. (1971) "Collective Action as an Agreeable n-Person Prisoners' Dilemma', Behavioural Science, 16. p. 472-81.

Isard, Walter (1988) Arms Races, Arms Control, and Conflict Analysis, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Kapur, Ashok (1996) Foreign Policies of India and her Neighbours, St. Martin's Press, Inc., New York.

Katz, Michael L. and Rosen, Harvey S. (1994) Microeconomics, 2nd Ed., Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Illinois.

McTaggart, D., Findlay, C., and Parkin, M (1996) Microeconomics, 2nd Ed., Addison-Westley Publishing Co., Sydney.

Moshaver, Ziba (1991) Nuclear Weapons Proliferation in the Indian Subcontinent, MacMillian Academic and Professional Ltd., Hampshire

Olsen, M. (1968) the Logic of Collective Action, Harvard University Press.

Ordeshook, P.C. (1986) Game Theory and Political Theory: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press.

Pindyck, R.S., and Rubinfeld, D.L. (1992) 'Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony' in Microeconomics, 2nd Ed., MacMillian Publishing Co., New York.


APPENDICES (News Coverage on India & Pakistan's Nuclear Tests)


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